Friday, 23 May 2014

so a friend was debating between a newish ford minivan

so a friend was debating between a newish ford minivan and a volkswagen eurovan. and he bought the eurovan. and to me it seems to indicate a step in a right direction. in life in general. perhaps in some bigger picture it seems to represent a life of excitement and passion versus the ford which represents the stale consumerism painted as exciting and vibrant. but really it reeks of lies. american dream. 

give me liberty or give me death. have we all chosen death? sometimes it feels like it. to walk through a mall. or see magazine covers. or watch half an hour of tv. 

so i'm here longing for a simple life that american society and the media shun. a country cannot hope to profit if her citizens are living simply. 

i've got the bird i'm going to flip. once i figure out who exactly it is that i should direct it towards. 
and until then i'll try and muster something like love for all those i see. 

and it's all easier having someone lovely 
whom i love and who loves me deeply

maybe we'll be down here together and maybe we'll find it 
a simple life..

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