Friday, 23 May 2014

may peace fill the hearts of those who hate

may peace fill the hearts of those who hate" read this on a note left on a sort of memorial at showalter fountain. and like it. and i also know that im my heart there is so much blackness, so much pride, so much sin. things that destroy just as much as hate, though prehaps on a more personal and less violent note. anything in our hearts but the peace of Christ will corrode us, and leave us empty. i praise God that He's rescued me and daily intercedes for me. there is so much freedom in embracing our brokeness, for being seen as we are. and we hate it but long for it. we envy those we meet who are broken, who are honest, who have nothing to hide. we all aspire to be "who we are", and then mtv tells us who that is. i'm so glad that my identity is more than the music i listen to or the jeans i wear. all that will burn and fade away to nothing. i chooose truth, i choose life. suppose we're frustrated with the plasitc political crap that goes on and passes for the church. let's love deeply. "love the LORD your God with all your heart mind strength, and love your nieghbor as yourself" 

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