Friday, 23 May 2014

a few things

i was the ninth caller and won tickets to see rusted root in march. i never call those things. fluke. 
-watched part of the state of the union last night. and i don't get it. i don't can't buy the idea that america is the best nation around. i think most of everything we do is based on that assumption. and i just don't see it. sure i love my country. i am grateful that i'm born here and given the opportunities i am because of my american decsent. and i think the ideals we're founded on are pretty damn admirable and amazing. sure. but practically i don't see it. having lived abroad and experienced other ways of doing things has perhaps led me to question. we're the richest, sure. most powerful, sure. best looking, maybe. but there's got to be more than all that. i feel like we're a punk kid who knows everything. maybe i value humility more than i value headstrongness. or something. i don't know much... 
-my headphones broke and i took a lighter and burned the plastic and fused it back together and so far it's held. call me macgyver. thanks.

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